Novel Sensing Approach for Predicting SLA Violations
Vidya Rajasekaran , A.Asha Ashok , R.Manjula."Novel Sensing Approach for Predicting SLA Violations". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V10(1):25-30, April 2014. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
Customer contentment plays a vital role in business environment. Service level agreements (SLA’s) are signed between the service provider and the customer where SLA violation acts as a major constraint. SLA Violation is reduced through mechanisms involving Monitoring in case if any violations are probably to occur, predicting the violations in advance and applying necessary prevention mechanism that minimizes the total cost arising because of SLA violations. Service providers carry out adaptation measures in the case of violations. Adaptation is considered as an instant deed (i.e.) for each Composition instance separately. Most of the existing technique involves adaptation mechanisms based on cost alone but allow customers to compromise on quality. Our proposed technique provides optimal adaptation measures based on both cost and quality. Cost optimization and quality enhancing technique are been used in the proposed work to carry out the task. In this methodology we predict the SLA violations in advance and also find out the paramount providers through customers feedback and apply ranking for the services using the highest score. To achieve the highest score the service provider should provide services with minimum cost and maximum efficiency and quality. Also the existing work does not include mechanisms to completely prevent SLA violations, which is been enhanced in the proposed work by accumulating NOP (No to One-time Profit) technique
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Adaptation, Monitoring, optimization, prediction, Service composition, service-level agreements.