An Energy Efficient Remote Data Collection and Reprogramming of Wireless sensors Networks

International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT)          
© - Issue 2012 by IJCTT Journal
Volume-3 Issue-3                           
Year of Publication : 2012
Authors :Hemappa B, Shylaja B T, Dr.Manjaiah D H , Dr. Rabindranath Bera


Hemappa B, Shylaja B T, Dr.Manjaiah D H , Dr. Rabindranath Bera "An Energy Efficient Remote Data Collection and Reprogramming of Wireless sensors Networks"International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT),V3(3):1011-1016 Issue 2012 .ISSN Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.

Abstract: -Energy constrained sensor nodes are preloaded with the program code and data, which are usually unattended after deployment. Due to change in user requirements and environmental changes, preloaded software and firmware deployed in sensor nodes have to be reprogrammed on large number of sensor nodes to resolve the post deployment issues. It’s not easy and may be impossible to reach the remote sensor nodes deployed in hostile or private environment. The data collection from the sensor node to sink is equally important to disseminate the required program code and data from sink or host to sensors for reprogramming the new version of the software. The energy efficient dissemination of required program code and data to all the nodes in wireless sensor network is challenging task. Many WSN has proposed regular intervals of sleep-wake up of sensor nodes to enhance the lifetime of the sensor network. We propose an energy efficient gateway based remote reprogramming of the required software/firmware in sleep scheduled wireless sensor network without affecting the functionality of the wireless sensor network. The theoretical analysis and the simulation results reveal that our proposed scheme effectively transmit and reprogramming the software on deployed sensors by consuming less power resource and increases the network life time.


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Keywords—Reprogramming, cluster head, gateway, firmware update, event-driven, sleep-wakeup.