Novel method for power quality improvement using active power filter

International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT)          
© - Issue 2012 by IJCTT Journal
Volume-3 Issue-3                           
Year of Publication : 2012
Authors :T.kavitaha k.ratnaraju


T.kavitaha k.ratnaraju"Novel method for power quality improvement using active power filter"International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT),V3(3):1011-1016 Issue 2012 .ISSN Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.

Abstract: -The abundant use of Non-linear loads in distribution system leads to power quality issues, The proliferation of microelectronics processors in a wide range of equipments, from home VCRs and digital clocks to automated industrial assembly lines and hospital diagnostics systems, has increased the vulnerability of such equipment to power quality problems. These problems include a variety of electrical disturbances, which may originate in several ways and have different effects on various kinds of sensitive loads. What were once considered minor variations in power, usually unnoticed in the operation of conventional equipment. may now bring whole factories to standstill, Voltage quality problems relates to any failure of equipment due to deviations of the line voltage from its nominal characteristics, and the supply reliability is characterized by its adequacy (ability to supply the load), security (ability to withstand sudden disturbances such as system faults) and availability (focusing especially on long interruptions). Power quality problems are common in most of commercial, industrial and utility networks. Natural phenomena, such as lightning are the most frequent cause of power quality problems. Switching phenomena resulting in oscillatory transients in the electrical supply, for example when capacitors are switched, also contribute substantially to power quality disturbances. are two approaches to the mitigation of power quality problems. The first approach is called load conditioning, which ensures that the equipment is less sensitive to power disturbances, allowing the operation even under significant voltage distortion. The other solution is to install line conditioning systems that suppress or counteracts the power system disturbances.


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Keywords—Android, application framework, android runtime, layered approach, AASandbox.