Cyclic Sensing MAC Protocol for Multicast Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
S.Shirisha , Mr.M.L.Ravichandra. Article: Cyclic Sensing MAC Protocol for Multicast Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) 7(1):35-39, January 2014. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
In Ad Hoc networks realizing high throughput is achievable when directional antennas are utilized. The directional antennas lead to higher spatial multiplexing gain. On The Other Hand, there are a few issues in practice that comprise exposed terminal issues, deafness and hidden terminal causing the deterioration of the performance of the community. There are several MAC protocols which were proposed, the solution offered by Abdullah et al. is capable of solving the problems of open terminal, deafness and hidden terminal where a new MAC method is implemented using double sensing scheme. The Spintool is used for approval of the method integration. In this paper, we`ve nearly implemented the Macintosh protocol with directional antennas. The simulation results show the proposed MAC protocol is really capable of solving the issues of deafness, concealed terminal and exposed terminal issues. The outcomes are compared with a number of existing protocols.
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Keywords- Directional antennas, ad hoc networks, dual sensing, simulation.