Hybrid Authentication Model for Multicast Protocol in AD-HOC Networks

International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT)          
© - September Issue 2013 by IJCTT Journal
Volume-4 Issue-9                           
Year of Publication : 2013
Authors :J.Siva Kumar, Boppudi Swanth, Betam Suresh


J.Siva Kumar, Boppudi Swanth, Betam Suresh"Hybrid Authentication Model for Multicast Protocol in AD-HOC Networks"International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT),V4(9):3016-3021 September Issue 2013 .ISSN 2231-2803.www.ijcttjournal.org. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.

Abstract:- These Ad-hoc networks are an efficient tool for many applications such as military field, situational awareness, etc. Hence these applications are divided based on the environment that they serve in and by the multi style of communication traffic. Therefore, securing the source node and providing the mediator of the message traffic to become a basic requirement for the operations and maintenance of the network. However, the limited computational and communication resources, the large scale deployment and the unguaranteed connectivity to valid securities make correct solutions for wired networks and as well single sided wireless networks. In this document shows a one new methodology known as Tired Authentication scheme for Multicast network traffic (i.e, TAM) for a large scale ad-hoc networks. This new authentication model represents the advantages of the time asymmetry and the secret information asymmetry techniques, Using this we can send a message or file from source node to the destination node without effecting any unauthorized attacks on particular file in an one-way hash function chain in order to maintain and authenticate the source node messages, Whereas using a mechanism called cross-cluster multicast traffic indicates that the message authentication codes i.e., MACs that are based on a set of keys to generate a key at source node and that generated key should match with the destination node key then only that transferred message should be reached to the destination node otherwise it cannot, By using this TAM we can reduce the wireless network problems such as in civil and military areas etc.


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Keywords — Ad-hoc networks, Multicast network, secret information, message authentication codes.